Seminarium Matematyka Obliczeniowa 2012/2013

Seminarium jest prowadzone przez prof. Mariana Mrozka oraz prof. Piotra Zgliczyńskiego.

Spotkania odbywają się w czwartki w godz. 16:15-17:45 na Wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki UJ w sali nr 1016.

Co tydzień jest rozsyłane e-mailem ogłoszenie o najbliższym seminarium. Subskrypcja ogłoszeń oraz kontakt w sprawie referatów - proszę pisać na ten adres.

Data Temat Prace Referent
2012-10-04 Distributed coreductions Mateusz Juda
2012-10-11 Combinatorial vector fields and dynamical systems Hubert Wagner
2012-10-18 Combinatorial vector fields and dynamical systems Hubert Wagner
2012-10-25 A general distance for geometrical shape comparison Patrizio Frosini
2012-11-08 (Persistent) homology via iterated Morse complex Pawel Dlotko
2012-11-15 Topology of Eigenspace Posets for Unitary Reflection Groups Justin Koonin
2012-11-22 Spaces of directed paths Krzysztof Ziemianski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
2012-11-29 Towards persistent homology of homotopy 2-types prof. Graham Ellis (National University of Ireland)
2012-12-06 Persistent homology - classical algorithm (based on Herbert Edelsbrunner; John L. Harer) Przemyslaw Witek
2012-12-13 Numerical calculation of Conley indices and Morse decompositions for dynamical systems Frank Weilandt
2012-12-20 Equivariant topological complexity Wojciech Lubawski (TCS, UJ)
2013-01-03 A Note on the Convergence of Parametrised Non-Resonant Invariant Manifolds (based on T. Johnson, W. Tucker) Maciej Zgliczynski
2013-01-10 On 2-dimensional Simple Sets in n-dimensional Cubic Grids (based on Loic Mazo, Nicolas Passat ) Michal Pletty
2013-01-17 Shadowing of nontransversal heteroclinic chain prof. Piotr Zgliczynski
2013-01-24 An Interval Hermite-Obreschkoff Method for Computing Rigorous Bounds on the Solution of an Initial Value Problem for an Ordinary Differential Equation. Irmina Walawska
2013-02-28 Computational Discrete Morse Theory Jan Reininghaus (IST Austria)
2013-03-07 Introduction to isolating segments. prof. Roman Srzednicki
2013-03-14 A framework for the analysis of global dynamics depending on parameters Frank Weilandt
2013-03-21 Zigzag persistent homology (based on Gunnar Carlsoon et al.) Grzegorz Jablonski
2013-03-28 Wersja Bourgina-Yanga twierdzenia Borsuka-Ulama dla p-torusów: Z_p^k, torusów (S^1)k i grup p-torycznych. prof. Waclaw Marzantowicz (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza)
2013-04-04 Multicut decomposition method for two-stage stochastic optimization (based on D.Dentcheva). Marek Ostrowski
2013-04-11 Multiparameter persistent homology for shape comparison: from continuous to discrete. prof. Tomasz Kaczynski (Sherbrooke University, Kanada)
2013-04-18 An iterative algorithm for homology computation on simplicial shapes (based on Dobrina Boltcheva et al.) Sylwia Szklarek
2013-04-25 Rigorous integration of piece-wise linear systems. Zbigniew Galias (AGH)
2013-05-09 New algorithms for persistent homology applied to text mining Hubert Wagner
2013-05-16 Differential Galois theory applied to real and complex integrability. prof. Zbigniew Hajto
2013-05-23 Lovasz's original proof of Kneser conjecture Wojciech Lubawski (TCS, UJ)
2013-06-06 Rigorous integration of Delay Differential Equations Robert Szczelina
2013-06-13 From shelling for CW-complexes to a wedge of spheres Kinga McInerney (Stolot) - AGH
Katedra Matematyki Obliczeniowej, Instytut Informatyki UJ, ul. Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków Admin