dr hab. Piotr Kalita
pokój: | 2147 |
adres: | Łojasiewicza 6, PL-30-348 Kraków, Poland |
telefon: | (+48) 012 664 7538 |
e-mail: | piotr.kalita At ii.uj.edu.pl |
Zainteresowania naukowe:
- mechanika płynów
- autonomiczne i nieautonomiczne nieskończenie wymiarowe układy dynamiczne
- równania różniczkowe cząstkowe fizyki matematycznej
- wielowartościowe układy dynamiczne i ich atraktory
- inkluzje różniczkowe i ich zastosowanie w mechanice kontaktowej
CV light:
2001 | M.Sc. in computer science | Jagiellonian University (supervisor: Prof. Robert Schaefer) |
2005 | PhD in computer science | Jagiellonian University (supervisor: Prof. Robert Schaefer) |
2016 | habilitation in mathematics | Jagiellonian University |
Nagrody i stypendia:
2005 | Finalist in the selection process in the prize for best PhD thesis | ECCOMAS (European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences) |
- G. Łukaszewicz, P. Kalita,Navier-Stokes equations. An introduction with applicationsAdvances in Mechanics and Mathematics, vol. 34, Springer, 2016
- Juan Garcia-Fuentes, Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa, Antonio Suarez,Forwards attractors for non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra cooperative systems: a detailed geometrical descriptionDISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B, vol. 30, 189-221 (2025)
- Ruben Caballero Toro, Piotr Kalita, Jose Valero Cuadra,On $L^{\infty}$-estimates and the structure of the global attractor for weak solutions of reaction-diffusion equationsCOMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS, vol. 24, 365-388 (2025)
- Jacek Kubica, Piotr Zgliczyński, Piotr Kalita,The pitchfork bifurcation and heteroclinic connections in the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky PDEJournal of Computational Dynamics, available online (2025)
- Matheus Cheque Bortolan, Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa, Rafael de Oliveira Moura,A theoretical and computational study of heteroclinic cycles in Lotka-Volterra systemsJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, vol. 90, 28 (2025)
- Piotr Kalita, Everaldo de Mello Bonotto,Long-time behavior for impulsive generalized semiflowsNonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems, vol. 51, 101432 (2024)
- Jakub Banaśkiewicz, Alexandre Nolasco de Carvalho, Juan Garcia-Fuentes, Piotr Kalita,Autonomous and non-autonomous unbounded attractors in evolutionary problemsJournal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol. 36, 3481-3534 (2024)
- Jakub Banaśkiewicz, Piotr Kalita, Piotr Zgliczyński,Computer-assisted validation of the existence of periodic orbit in the Brusselator systemAdvances in Differential Equations, vol. 29, 815-862 (2024)
- Matheus Cheque Bortolan, Juliana Fernandes, Juan Garcia-Fuentes, Piotr Kalita,On maximal attractors for dynamical systems. Application to a semilinear parabolic problem with controlled growthJOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS, vol. 24, Article number 38 (2024)
- Pablo Almaraz, Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa, Fernando Soler-Toscano,Structural stability of invasion graphs for Lotka-Volterra systemsJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, vol. 88, article number 64 (2024)
- Juan Garcia-Fuentes, Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa,Forwards attractor structures in a planar cooperative non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra systemQualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, vol. 23, article number 163 (2024)
- Anna Denkowska, Piotr Gwiazda, Piotr Kalita,On renormalized solutions to elliptic inclusions with nonstandard growthCALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, vol. 60, Article number: 21 (2021)
- Piotr Kalita, Piotr Zgliczyński,Rigorous FEM for 1D Burgers EquationSIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, vol. 20, 853–907 (2021)
- Jakub Banaśkiewicz, Piotr Kalita,Convergence of Non-autonomous Attractors for Subquintic Weakly Damped Wave EquationAPPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION, vol. 84, 943-978 (2021)
- Leszek Gasiński, Piotr Kalita,On dynamic contact problem with generalized Coulomb friction, normal compliance and damageEvolution Equations and Control Theory, vol. 9, 1009-1026 (2020)
- Piotr Kalita, Piotr Zgliczyński,On non-autonomously forced Burgers equation with periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditionsPROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION AMATHEMATICS, vol. 150, 2025-2054 (2020)
- Everaldo de Mello Bonotto, Piotr Kalita,On attractors of generalized semiflows with impulsesJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS, vol. 30, 1412-1449 (2020)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Micropolar meets Newtonian in 3D. The Rayleigh-Bénard problem for large Prandtl numbersNONLINEARITY, vol. 33, 5686 (2020)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz, Jakub Siemianowski,Nonlinear Semigroups and Their Perturbations in Hydrodynamics. Three ExamplesSpringer, vol. 325, 227-250 (2020)
- Matteo Caggio, Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz, Krzysztof Mizerski,Vertical heat transport at infinite Prandtl number for micropolar fluidARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, vol. 72, 525-553 (2020)
- Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Micropolar meets Newtonian. The Rayleigh–Bénard problemPHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA, vol. 392, 57-80 (2019)
- Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa, Fernando Soler-Toscano,Informational Structures and Informational Fields as a prototype for the description of postulates of the Integrated Information TheoryENTROPY-SWITZ, vol. 21, 493 (2019)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz, Jakub Siemianowski,On relation between attractors for single and multivalued semiflows for a certain class of PDEsDISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B, vol. 24, 1199-1227 (2019)
- Piotr Kalita, Meir Shillor, Paweł Szafraniec,A frictional contact problem with wear diffusionZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK, vol. 70, 96 (2019)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz, Jakub Siemianowski,Rayleigh-Benard problem for Thermomicropolar FluidsTopological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 52, 477-514 (2018)
- Mikael Barboteu, Leszek Gasiński, Piotr Kalita,Analysis of a dynamic frictional contact problem for hyperviscoelastic material with non-convex energy densityMATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, vol. 23, 359-391 (2018)
- Mirelson M. Freitas, Piotr Kalita, Jose A. Langa,Continuity of non-autonomous attractors for hyperbolic perturbation of parabolic equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, vol. 264, 1886-1945 (2018)
- Piotr Kalita, Piotr Kowalski,On multivalued Duffing equationJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 462, 1130-1147 (2018)
- Sylwia Dudek, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski,Steady flow of generalized Newtonian fluid with multivalued rheology and nonmonotone friction lawCOMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 74, 1813-1825 (2017)
- Michele Coti Zelati, Piotr Kalita,Smooth attractors for weak solutions of the SQG equation with critical dissipationDISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B, vol. 22, 1857-1873 (2017)
- S. Dudek, P. Kalita, S. Migórski,Stationary Oberbeck–Boussinesq model of non-Newtonian ?uid governed by a system of multivalued partial differential equationsApplicable Analysis, 96, 2192-2217 (2017)
- Robert Filipek, Piotr Kalita, Lucjan Sapa, Krzysztof Szyszkiewicz,On local weak solutions to Nernst–Planck–Poisson systemAPPLICABLE ANALYSIS, vol. 96, 2316-2332 (2017)
- Sylwia Dudek, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski,Stationary Oberbeck-Boussinesq model of generalized Newtonian fluid governed by multivalued partial differential equationsAPPLICABLE ANALYSIS, vol. 96, 2192-2217 (2017)
- Leszek Gasiński, Piotr Kalita,On quasi-static contact problem with generalized Coulomb friction, normal compliance and damageEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, vol. 27, 625-646 (2016)
- Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Mircea Sofonea ,A class of subdifferential inclusions for elastic unilateral contact problemsSet-Valued and Variational Analysis, vol. 24, 355-379 (2016)
- Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea,History dependent problems with applications to contact models for elastic beamsAPPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION, vol. 73, 71-98 (2016)
- Jose Ramon Fernandez, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Maria del Carmen Muniz, Cristina Nunez,Existence and uniqueness results for a kinetic model in bulk-surface surfactant dynamicsSIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 48, 3065-3089 (2016)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Navier-Stokes Equations. An introduction with applicationsSpringer, (2016)
- Piotr Kalita,On Global Attractor for Parabolic Partial Differential Inclusion and Its Time SemidiscretizationSpringer, 35-64 (2016)
- Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Mircea Sofonea ,A multivalued variational inequality with unilateral constraintsSpringer, vol. 494, 302-312 (2016)
- Andrzej Bielecki, Maciej Gierdziewicz, Piotr Kalita, Kamil Szostek,Construction of a 3D geometric model of a presynaptic bouton for use in modeling of neurotransmitter flowLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 9972, 377-386 (2016)
- Jerzy Czepiel, Piotr Kalita,Numerical solution of a variational-hemivariational inequality modeling simplified adhesion of an elastic bodyIMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 35, 372-393 (2015)
- Mikael Barboteu, Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita, Ahmad Ramadan,A Contact Problem with Normal Compliance, Finite Penetration and Nonmonotone Slip Dependent FrictionSpringer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing), vol. 95, 295-303 (2015)
- Krzysztof Bartosz, Xiaoliang Cheng, Piotr Kalita, Yuanjie Yu, Cong Zeng,Rothe method for parabolic variational-hemivariational inequalitiesJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 423, 841-862 (2015)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,On Large Time Asymptotics for Two Classes of Contact ProblemsSpringer, vol. 33, 299-332 (2015)
- Mikael Barboteu, Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita,A dynamic viscoelastic contact problem with normal compliance, finite penetration and nonmonotone slip rate dependent frictionNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, vol. 22, 452-472 (2015)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Attractors for multivalued processes with weak continuity propertiesSpringer, 149-166 (2015)
- Krzysztof Bartosz, Zdzisław Denkowski, Piotr Kalita,Sensitivity of Optimal Solutions to Control Problems for Second Order Evolution Subdifferential InclusionsAPPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION, vol. 71, 379-410 (2015)
- Michele Coti Zelati, Piotr Kalita,Minimality properties of set-valued processes and their pullback attractorsSIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 47, 1530-1561 (2015)
- Sylwia Dudek, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski,Stationary flow of non–Newtonian fluid with nonmonotone frictional boundary conditionsZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK, vol. 66, 2625-2646 (2015)
- Jose Ramon Fernandez, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Maria del Carmen Muniz, Cristina Nunez,Variational analysis of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood dynamic mixed-kinetic adsorption modelNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, vol. 15, 205–220 (2014)
- Mikael Barboteu, Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita, Ahmad Ramadan,Analysis of a contact problem with normal compliance, finite penetration and nonmonotone slip dependent frictionCOMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, vol. 16, 1350016 [29 pages] (2014)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Attractors for Navier-Stokes flows with multivalued and nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditionsNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, vol. 19, 75-88 (2014)
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz,Global attractors for multivalued semiflows with weak continuity propertiesNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, vol. 101, 124-143 (2014)
- Piotr Kalita,Convergence of Rothe scheme for hemivariational inequalities of parabolic typeInternational Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, vol. 10, 445-465 (2013)
- M. Barboteu, K. Bartosz, P. Kalita,Analysis and numerical approach to a bilateral contact problem with nonmonotone frictionInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 23, 263-276 (2013)
- Mikael Barboteu, Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita,An analytical and numerical approach to a bilateral contact problem with nonmonotone frictionInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 23, 263-276 (2013)
- Jose Ramon Fernandez, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Maria del Carmen Muniz, Cristina Nunez,Variational and numerical analysis of a mixed kinetic-diffusion surfactant model for the modified the Langmuir-Hinshelwood equationProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2013, 601-614 (2013)
- Piotr Kalita,Regularity and Rothe method error estimates for parabolic hemivariational inequalityJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 389, 618-631 (2012)
- Krzysztof Bartosz, Piotr Kalita,Optimal control for a class of dynamic viscoelastic contact problems with adhesionDYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 21, 269-292 (2012)
- Andrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita,Dynamical properties of the reaction-diffusion type model of fast synaptic transportJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 393, 329–340 (2012)
- Piotr Kalita,Decay of energy for second-order boundary hemivariational inequalities with coercive dampingNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, vol. 74, 1164-1181 (2011)
- A. Bielecki, P. Kalita, M. Lewandowski, B. Siwek,Numerical simulation for neurotransmitter transport model in axon terminal of presynaptic neuronBiological Cybernetics, 102, 489-502 (2010)
- Andrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita, Marian Lewandowski, Bartłomiej Siwek,Numerical simulation for a neurotransmitter transport model in the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuronBIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS, vol. 102, 489-502 (2010)
- Bartosz Bierkowski, Piotr Kalita, Igor Podolak, Adam Roman,Algorithm for intelligent prediction of requests in business systemsLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 4910, 696-707 (2008)
- Andrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita,Model of neurotransmitter fast transport in axon terminal of presynaptic neuronJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, vol. 56, 559-576 (2008)
- Piotr Kalita, Robert Schaefer,Mechanical models of artery wallsARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, vol. 15, 1-36 (2008)
- Andrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita, Marian Lewandowski, Marek Skomorowski,Compartment model of neuropeptide synaptic transport with impulse controlBIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS, vol. 99, 443-458 (2008)